A mysterious sign claims that three alien abductions have taken place in the small UK town of Sedgley and demands...
Motorists in Guangzhou, China abandoned their vehicles to film a UFO which passed over the highway in front of them....
Naturally most UFO footage that floats around the internet is filmed from below and rarely do we get to witness...
The incredible footage was taken by Andrew Pollard from Maltby, Rotherham, who believed he was simply filming a plane descending...
2020 has seen a sudden peak of interest in the UFO phenomenon and reported sightings are on the rise. The...
A live feed from Hayle Beach, St Ives in the UK, caught this incredible footage of a UFO performing a...
Just when you thought 2020 couldn't possibly have anymore surprises, it goes and throws an asteroid into the mix. The...
The former Blink-182 frontman and well known UFO enthusiast has recently sparked a frenzy in the Ufology community with a...
A photo has emerged from Mars which appears to show a bright white UFO hovering over the baron landscape. We've...
A new study published in Nature Astronomy suggest that White dwarf stars are the main source of carbon atoms in...