February 23, 2025


Outta This World

Possibly The Creepiest Discovery On Mars Ever!

Of all the mysterious discoveries found in The Mars Curiosity images, this is no doubt the most unsettling. The creepy eight-legged creature appears to be sheltering in shadows of a natural crevice in a cliff face.

There’s some debate in UFO circles on whether the creature has crab-like claws or octopus style tentacles, either way I wouldn’t like to stumble across this chap in a dark alley. Unlike many other claims from Mars images (and there are many) this is hard to pass off as a natural rock formation or play of light and shadow.

Crab creature hiding in cliff face

Critics will argue that the image has been photoshopped and I have no evidence to prove them wrong, but what struck me about the photo is that it represents an alien life form more suited to its environment. Should we ever discover evidence of life (past or present) on Mars or any other planet, I would expect them to look more like this creature than the popular humanoid representation.

Creepy discovery on Mars

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