Call me old fashioned, but if I was to wake up and find a snarling reptilian at the end of my bed, I would probably hyperventilate and run face first into the wall. Yet, for a growing number of people this would be the perfect opportunity to fulfil their ultimate fantasy.
Exophilia is, of course, the sexual attraction to non-human entities and it’s a lot more popular than you’d think. So much so that you can now purchase alien inspired sex toys, you lucky people!
Possibly, no definitely, the strangest by far is Primal Hardwere’s Ovipositor, a device which actually lays gloopy eggs into a cavity of your choice. Nice! Apparently, this creates an “out of this world experience” and frankly I’m happy to take their word for it.

So fine, Exophillia is a harmless fantasy with no chance of spilling over into the real world, right?. Whatever floats your boat. Then, along comes Meng Zhaoguo, a chap from Wuchang, China. Not only did Zhaoguo bump into a 10ft female alien with 6 fingers and fury leg, but he also claims that they had hour long romps floating above his sleeping wife.

After sharing his story (and begging his wife to forgive him) Zhaoguo not only passed a polygraph test, but was left with scars that doctors have never witnessed before.
Apparently, Zhaoguo also claimed he was beamed up into the craft sometime after the steamy encounter and asked to see his now pregnant lover once more, but his request was denied, which seems pretty cold.
Exophilia may be on the rise, but it’s safe to say I’m going to take further convincing before I elect to deep throat a tentacle.
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