March 9, 2025


Outta This World

Majority Of Americans Believe Government Would Hide Alien Evidence

A new YouGov poll has suggest Americans aren’t convinced that the government would share evidence on extraterrestrial existence.

The poll of more than 8000 US adults discovered that only 22% of citizens believed the Government would share information. 56% were inclined to believe it would be kept hidden.

Men were found to be 10% more likely to trust those in power with the information than women.

This comes after a 2019 poll, again carried out by YouGov. This concluded that 54% of Americans thought the government was already holding back information regarding intelligent life from outside of our solar system.

Recently, the Senate Intelligence Committee lodged a bill that would require US intelligence agencies to detail unclassified analysis of obtained data of unidentified aerial phenomenon – The bill is yet to be passed.

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