February 23, 2025


Outta This World

NASA Building Spacecraft To Explore $10,000 Quadrillion Asteroid

Called ‘Psyche’, the latest NASA spacecraft will explore asteroid 16 Psyche. The 140 mile wide asteroid is located between Mars and Jupiter in the solar system’s asteroid belt and is thought to be extremely metal rich.

Unlike many rocky or icy asteroids, 16 Psyche’s core is very similar to earth’s. This had led scientists to think it could have been the centre of a planet that has lost its outer layers through collisions.

Artist impression of the completed Psyche Spacecraft

Yet, it’s the exposed metal that make this asteroid so appealing. Scientist estimate the nickel, iron and gold that make up the space rock could be worth more than the global economy – A staggering 10,000 quadrillion!

Psyche is due for launch on 22nd August as part of NASA’s discovery program of low-cost space missions. Having just passed the critical design review, the craft is now in the construction phase. It will launch from Cape Canaveral in Florida, aboard SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket.

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