January 18, 2025


Outta This World

Time Traveller Reveals Weird Photo Of 2118 City

A man calling himself Alexander Smith claims he was part of a top secret CIA operation in 1981 which resulted in him being sent into the future.

Speaking in an American accent and appearing shaky in the video, Alexander claims he also has proof by way of a photograph of a 2118 city skyline from the location he was transported to.

Result, we’re thinking, until he reveals the somewhat underwhelming image displaying nothing more than blurry, green towers with no identifiable features to validate his claim. Unfortunately, Mr Smith explains the photograph was distorted on his journey back to the present day. Typical!

Mr Smith’s explains the top secret CIA mission

Although, the time traveller did kindly issue some warning for the future, including an alien invasion in the ‘mind 21st century’ and the threat of global warning.

‘The number one threat to humanity as we know it is global warming, rising sea levels as well as the increase in Co2 in our atmosphere. We must take steps now to combat global warming.

Mr Smith claims this is a 2118 city skyline

There are more than a few hole in Mr Smith’s story. He cannot explain how he travelled through time and doesn’t know the name of the city he visited. This leads us to the natural conclusion that this story might not hold water, but even so, it does lead us to think what evidence would be required to back up a claim of time travel?

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